Case Study 100 – Slurry Thickener

The Challenge

To reduce pitting corrosion and extend maintenance cycle to 6 years because the previously applied coal tar coatings failed prematurely at 2 years caused by thickener solution, containing sulfates, chlorides, and abrasive slurry which attacks unprotected steel, resulting in unanticipated floor corrosion. 


We first did a grit blast to remove old coal tar epoxy, to 2.5 with 3 mil (75 μm) profile. Then, we applied ARC S2 stripe coat to weld seams, and applied two coats of ARC S2 @ 15-20 mils (375-500 μm)/coat.


Our client reported that ARC coating provides more than 6 years of service life (3x of coal tar solution), and the elimination of 2 thickener clean outs provide additional savings. Their previous coal tar (material and labor) costs $12K, while ARC repair (materials and labor) costs $6K, which gives a savings of $6K per year and a total savings of $18K for 6 years.